Oneness Wave of 2014!


Dear Readers:

What is Oneness and why is it important?

Oneness is a state of being, a consciousness that embraces all of creation as itself. It excludes no one or nothing. Oneness sees all of life as part of itself. In the dimension of duality, Oneness has its polar opposite in expression as Separation. They both co-exist and are expressions of the whole. Oneness expresses itself without blame and assumes complete responsibility and accountability for every incident, occurrence and experience. 

So, lets break it down even further. 

In our society, we are taught from a very young age that we are separate from our neighbor, friend, teacher, stranger or even a homeless person on the street. Some of us have different skin colors, families, talents and gifts so we unconsciously adapt the belief system that we are separate from each other. It’s engrained in society so even though one’s parent’s may not have literally said you are separate than everyone, it is understood based upon the unconscious collective belief system of society. Separation thereby breeds all manner of blame, irresponsibilities, hate, malicious intent upon another, unforgiveness and so forth. 



The Highest Truth is that we are all one. We all have the same feelings or emotions and were created with similar physical expressions (male /female/ both). Our True Self is formless, space, stillness, spirit whilst the body is the expression of our consciousness (energy and information in matter form). Take a look at the space around and notice that it exists. Then look at your body form and notice that  it is made up of tissues, organs, muscles and bones. It is simply a vehicle of expression. It houses the spirit. My point here is that we are all coming from the one universal SPACE and are each individually expressing ourselves as a god beings. And although we have different forms/bodies and belief systems, we are still ONE.

When we truly believe with every atom of our being that we are ONE, then our lives would transform 180 degrees in no time. It would transcend our way of being and expression. HOW?

1. When we no longer believe that there is a God or Source that exists outside of us then we can begin to access the essence of our god selves within.  As above (heaven) so below (earth). This is similar to parents who have children. There is one universal existence of Source. Within that Source is the expression of the Masculine and Feminine, Yin and Yang and they reproduce and have children. These children have the same dna and expression of their parents, are not less than their parents, have usually the same genes, gifts and talents that are passed down to them. Same way, we are god beings created in the very image of the one Source. We have the same powers and genes.This realization will cure immediately any feelings of separation.

The correction is in the belief of who we think we are. Often times when we look in the mirror, we see ourselves as the physical body and personality when in fact we are neither of these things. We are the formless, the silent witness looking down on our body. Detaching from form as one’s sense of self is key to transformation, otherwise, one becomes stuck and locked into the fallacy of expressing one’s self as the physical body. Believing one is the body is limiting, rather I suggest, expand one’s sense of self outside the body and see what happens.  We have simply given ourselves a body suite to express ourselves on earth. We are all god beings as our true nature. At first, I could not believe this because I had every thought or belief that I was this terrible sinner that was condemned. I was trying to save my soul and get to heaven. When truly in fact, it was my own belief system/ consciousness that started to create this movie scene outside of me like it was real. Watch the Matrix, this movie is so deep and truly reflects the truth.

2. When one truly believes that we are all one, then you know that you are the cause of all experiences. Therefore, everything that you are experiencing in your reality, from the telephone call from your boss, to the kiss on the cheek from your child, to the door bell ringing, is your creation from beginning to end. That there is no one causing anything to happen to you. You are the total authority and co-creator of your life. This is HUGE. Why? For if we continue to live as victims to our lives or circumstances, then we become the form and detach from the true god being that we are. Victims are at the effect of, they feel self pity and blame everyone else for their problems. Therefore they remain powerless because they have not acknowledged the first and most important thing, that we are the one’s creating everything. It is only when we take responsibility that we assume our drivers seat as commander of our ship. Giving away your power and rightful command to another through blame automatically relinquishes god power. 

So for those of us in relationships, how often do we blame our partner or loved one for a behavior or something we do not like? Many times. Why? Because we are afraid to own the very things about ourselves that we dislike in others. Every mirror or reflection we see in another whether light or dark is a reflection of we are. So when everyone starts recognizing this truth then we can start cleaning up our own inner temple, beliefs etc and heal the collective conscious and unconsciousness of humanity. 

In the news, most of the collective murders, rapes or catastrophes are as a result of the collective unconscious, the very things we project unto others and the world. If we can all assume our responsibilities as god beings, these projections will diminish so we can have a better world to live in. The true reality is within, the outer reality is only the expression of what exists inside.


So how do we implement more of oneness consciousness, we do this through daily self observation from the space of the Higher Self (formless, silent witness). When we observe ourselves with neutrality, no judgment of good or bad, right or wrong, simply just is, then we can finally listen to our repetitive thoughts/beliefs and projections, become aware of it, then decide what is the truth and then affirm through invocations and practice. I highly recommend a program called Self Discovery Life Mastery in Fort Lauderdale Florida. I travel out of state to their workshops because I have never met a group of trainers that are so aware. They teach techniques  that are so experiential rather than just theory, its practical. I apply the techniques in my life and they are making a significant change and difference. 

There are many changes, however, the most important one so far for me is, I am more aware of myself as Source and not this physical body. This is huge for me because I was taught and had believed that I had to do something to be godlike or I had to get to my True Self. Now, I have realized that I am already the True Self. My believe now is integrating my True Self here in the physical body more rather than trying to see myself as the personality trying to get to the True Self. The more yearning and trying to get somewhere will only create more of that. 

I still have more to integrate of my True Self in the body (stillness) however, even the slightest change means a world of a difference. I feel more in command of my reality, more aware and present, and such a peace and stillness within my physical body and way of being, its orgasmic.

So here are some invocations you can start commanding:

  • I AM ONE

If you have any comments or questions, please feel free to share. I would love to hear about your journey.

Blessed Be!
