Shifting Priorities to the True Self!!!


Dear Readers:

For the past few weeks, I have been giving more attention to the expansion of my career while preparing for a move out of state. It has been an experience and learning process of balancing giving attention to myself, home, career, relationships, and our move. 

I love awareness and being more of my True Self, however, I realized that my priority shifted from my True Self to my outward reality of moving, career etc. Nothing right or wrong, however, I realized that my entire way of being changed and I was not enjoying anything, it felt like work and obligations instead of an adventure.

So I decided to give myself some time to nourish my body and connect with a girlfriend of mine that does yoga. So, I attended her class and had such a shift, greater clarity and re-focus of my internal lenses. My antennas simply changed channels to the frequency of my Higher Self, and as a result, I felt more joyful, free, and grounded in my body. It’s like where the heck did I go? Its amazing how the lower self takes over and one may easily feel its the True Self. It can be blinding.

So my awareness was loud and clear, the first and primary focus is the True Self and that my career is simply the expression of my Authentic Self. That one’s career can only be to the extent of one’s growth and expansion within the Self. The more we align with our True Nature and  become less of the unaligned ego, it becomes sincerely easier and effortless to create success. All the planets align and elements of the universe appear willingly to serve with you, for one steps into divinity as the True Self. When this occurs, everything comes to one’s command. So instead of working outside in, I shifted to focusing my lens to inside out!

The more I am my True Self, then all my desires of an expansive career, harmonious relationships, healthier commitments and so forth become easily attainable in the physical form, because it has been solidified within the formless as a firm decision which create immediate sometimes or maybe all the time miraculous results. 

As such, from now on, the True Self is the first priority and commitment to integrate and align with, for it is then, that all flows with effortless ease and grace within one’s life. Oneness unites the opposites of the natural forces that exists within us and thus creates a harmonious world within  that expresses itself in the outside world. When each of us assume our rightful god responsibility to be a citizen of this earth land and utilize one’s creative ability in alignment with nature, then the world we know as today will literally change before our eyes.

It is my purpose, vision and utmost desire to live and BE the ultimate Goddess, fully aligned with all of life and the creative forces, assisting all our brothers and sisters to awaken to the Truth, that we have always been gods expressing ourselves. We can truly be the change we decide to be in the world, all it requires is one’s commitment to the True Self, a daily moment to moment decision to constantly choose the True Self, and all the assistance from Source, helpers, guides, universe etc come willingly to serve one’s evolutionary awakening.

Blessed Be and may the journey of the True Self become the first and utmost desire in your heart. It is only then that true joy and happiness can be experienced as a way of being.


Goddess Toni-Ann

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